What can i do?

What can i do?
evrythng happen ard me seem not going smooth..
and facing a lots obstacles...

is it coz of my own?
my own pblm?
self pblm?
if not...
i wont owez get scold frm my family...
if not..
my frens wont get mad ant me
and break our frenship...
if not...
i wont losing evrythng...
i cant deny all tat...
may be is ...
about my attitute?
the way i treat ppl?
what can i do?
need changes?
or may be i jz suit to be alone?
then i wont do anythng wrong...
even to anyone...is tat a better way?
tell me , anyone?
i dun wan suffer like tis...

1 comments (anything you want to say):

Mark said...

you should take a break for yourself...
things that happen altogether on you is hard to deal with each and evry one nicely...
or maybe you can just ask for some help?
you are not alone, look for those people that cares about you and are always there for you
if you think is your attitude problem then try to explain to people, there's no compulsory character change to make people like you
not meaning that being alone will not do wrong thing, coz having people around you and not seeing them is already a big mistake
all the best