so bored....

woke up very early although i was v tired...

duno wat to do ...
jz on9...
found no ppl to chat...
jz sat there....
wakaka...lunch time...
cook for myself with all d thngs left yday...
jz fried it all...haha
quite good...
ate with a glass of shandy...
after tat...washed evrythgn in d kitchen..
bek to pc again...
but reali duno wat to do...
so boring... n sien...
but thnking im goin to end tis holiday soon...
felt so heavyy....
coz gona hav a bz life again...
is tire....
study is tired but sometome fun...
duno wat im trying to say..haha...

2 comments (anything you want to say):

Anonymous said...


Jackboyz_Yi Jing said...

duno wat to write wat