The last nite of CNY ...

sleep very until v late today...
awoke by mum for dinner then was asked to clean the cars in my house... 2 cars...

so lazy to do it...
but wat to do ?
after cleaned, when for bath n on9....
dated by frens to go out for dinner and some walk...
plan to go to esplanet o gurney but lazy...
coz sure v crowded one...
jz simply eat chat n then go home...
kinda boring actualy...
but i met many frens there....
chew wei, sheng ling, jia jun, jocinda, shih yik,jin teong....and so so...
most of them work there....
but im still doing nothgn evryday...
im kinda useless...wakaka...
thnk of getting myself a job...
but how im going to reach thre since i hav no transport...?
tats d onli pblm...
how? how? how?
i end my 2009 CNY like tat...kinda simple....

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