On Business

dad js told me bout his fren's son success on on9 business...

he asked me try to search for some info ...
and ask me try to do it...
since i hav nothng to do at home....
owez sit there onli...
is a goo idea...but i nid support n help...
how im goin to start it...?
is not easy at all...
anyone in tis field?
pls help me ...
is kinda complicated rite?
i ask my cousin who was a designer student...
and now she is free at home...
jz ask for advice...
she gt thnk tat b4...
is wan an good idea oso...
she gt thnk tat b4...
haha...is all jz under discuss la...
may be jz do alone o wat...
but so scare...
there is a lot thng to do ler...
nid to plan first...
or may be...jz dreaming

2 comments (anything you want to say):

Anonymous said...

try try see lo

Jackboyz_Yi Jing said...

im so scare to try..
coz im too young n no knwledge about tat at all..
evrythgn is so hard to handle...
and how bout if i failed?
i lost a lot ler...