2011 农历大年初四 Kedah and Perlis 游玩

Today is the 4th day of CNY...
Dad decided to bring us to outstation...
and it is also to avoid from going back to grandpa house...
we depart very early in the morning and we visited few places...

The First stop is the Padi Museum in Kedah...
is all about the Paddy...
the Fee i think is RM2 if im not mistaken :-)
there was a big huge spinning platform which show the scenery of the paddy field.
it is a circular drawing...looks real some angle...with 3D effect

WE stop by at the Tasoh Lake Resort...
it was huge lake...
many chalet for rent and there are a lot people having picnic there :-)
it might not be a good place for retreat as nothing can be done there ...

We went to our next important destination...the GUA KELAM
however, it disappointed us...
actually we want to go in the Gua...but the bridge was broken down...
there is another way to go in...that is by train..
yet the train was under maintenance..
everything broken down...wat happen to this destination?
what malaysia government had done?
but we managed to capture a special species of monkey...haha :-)
and we did went in to the exhibition area...

Last destination before we went for our dinner at Kuala Perlis, the Yuki's Restaurant
By the time we reached it was already closed...
however, the kind malay guard let us go in one of the museum there...
there have few houses but we managed to go in one only..
mum gave him ANG PAU ler...>.<
We go back after dinner...
the highway was a bit crowded with all the vehicles...
never encounter such situation before :-)
we safely reached penang at around 10.30 pm :-)
Tired and sleepy journey...

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